Master of Science in Wildlife Health and Management

Common regulations for the masters degree programs in all faculties shall apply.

The following shall be eligible for admission:

a) Holders of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or other institutions recognized by senate.

b) Holders of Bachelor of Science (Zoology) or Bachelor of Science (Biology) degree at upper second class honours or lower second class honours with at least two years relevant experience from the University of Nairobi or other institution recognized by senate.

c) Holders of Postgraduate Diploma in wildlife Health and Management of the University of Nairobi or other institution recognized by Senate.

d) First degree at upper second class honours or lower second class honours with at least two years relevant experience in any discipline related to animal health from the University of Nairobi or other institution recognized by senate.

Wildlife Health Management

   Semester 1   Semester 2   Semester 3   Semester 4   Totals 
TUITION         192,000.00        192,000.00      192,000.00       192,000.00       768,000.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)             7,000.00                         -             7,000.00                        -           14,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)             2,250.00             2,250.00           2,250.00           2,250.00           9,000.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)             1,000.00                         -             1,000.00                        -             2,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)             5,000.00                         -                         -                          -             5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)             6,500.00                         -             6,500.00                        -           13,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)             5,000.00                         -             5,000.00                        -           10,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)             2,000.00                         -             2,000.00                        -             4,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)             1,000.00                         -             1,000.00                        -             2,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)             6,000.00             6,000.00                       -                          -           12,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION               30,000.00         30,000.00
Grand totals         227,750.00        200,250.00      216,750.00       224,250.00       869,000.00
Exam Regulations

Common regulations for the masters degree programs in all faculties shall apply.