
The Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology (PHPT) is one of the five academic units in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi. It was established in 1972 by combining the closely related disciplines of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Veterinary Public Health. The two disciplines were originally in different departments. Veterinary Public Health as part of the department of clinical studies while Pharmacology and Toxicology part of the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology. Archaeology and anthropology together encompass the study of humankind from the origins of the human species to the present day. Both disciplines have a long history: archaeology grew from 18th-century antiquarianism, while anthropology began even earlier in the first days of colonial encounter. Today both subjects involve a range of sophisticated approaches shared with the arts, social sciences and physical sciences.

Normally, the candidates will be required to carry out their thesis research under supervision and subsequently compile a thesis which would be presented for examination in the prescribed manner for Doctoral Thesis in all faculties.

Mode of Delivery

Full Time

This program is by research and thesis and has no course-work component.

The programme is delivered by supervisors through a variety of face-to-face methods such as tutorials, experiential exercises, practical exercises, seminars, individual and/or group assignments and presentations.

Open, Distance Learning, and e-Learning (ODeL)

The ODeL mode of study is offered using multi-media approach, including a variety of self instructional print and electronic study materials. In addition, there is limited face-to-face instructional mode during residential training. ;

Schedules of Intake:

The intakes for both Undergraduates and postgraduates students is scheduled for September every year.

Admission into the programme shall be opened to:

  1. Holders of Master of Science degree in Veterinary Public Health of the University of Nairobi.
  2. Holders of a Master of Science degree in Veterinary Public Health from other Universities which has been approved by the Senate to be equivalent to the Master of Science in Clinical Studies, University of Nairobi.
  3. Holders of the Bachelor's degree in Veterinary Medicine or equivalent who, having been validly registered for Masters degree in the University of Nairobi, have been allowed by Senate to have their Master's degree upgraded to a Doctoral level in the prescribed manner.
  4. Candidates will be required to draw and submit a detailed Doctoral research proposal in the prescribed manner at the time of applying for admission.

Public Health Pharmacology & Toxicology

   Year I    Year 2    Year 3   Total 
TUITION                  396,000.00                  396,000.00               396,000.00               1,188,000.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                       7,000.00                       7,000.00                    7,000.00                     21,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION                                    -                                      -                    50,000.00                     50,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                       4,500.00                       4,500.00                    4,500.00                     13,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                       1,000.00                       1,000.00                    1,000.00                       3,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)                       5,000.00                                    -                                   -                         5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                       6,500.00                       6,500.00                    6,500.00                     19,500.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                       2,000.00                       2,000.00                    2,000.00                       6,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                       5,000.00                       5,000.00                    5,000.00                     15,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                       1,000.00                       1,000.00                    1,000.00                       3,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                                    -                                      -                                   -                                      -  
Grand totals      428,000.00      423,000.00    473,000.00   1,324,000.00
Exam Regulations



The common regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in all faculties shall be applicable

Application Information

For Support Contact:

Dean's Office - 020-4916009